How To Talk To Yourself
Hope all is well with you and enjoying all the great things
that life has to offer.
Let me start this article with a question…
What’s the best way to phrase your desire?
The desire you would like to manifest in your life?
For example, if you would like to manifest wealth in your life how would you phrase it to reach your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND and impress it as strongly as possible?
I know, perhaps you know by now that the BASIC approach is to ask your desire as if it’s already given…
As you are getting more advanced in MASTERING manifestations, I am going to share with you something that is more ADVANCED than this basic approach…
I will do that in this article…
But before I do that I want to take a moment to THANK YOU and others who have sent me the kindest emails…I have received thousands and thousands of emails from people with success stories, questions, and very kind comments. I am going through all emails and trying to answer the common questions in articles…
OK, Now, Back to the answer to the question…
Yes, based on the basic approach, for example, for wealth, you’d say “I am wealthy” as opposed to “I want wealth” or “I will be wealthy” because your subconscious mind takes every affirmation at face value and brings it to you.
So if you say “I want wealth” your subconscious mind will make sure you will always “want” wealth as opposed to having it!
Also, the subconscious mind is timeless so it takes everything as if it’s already in existence…
BUT that’s the basic approach!
How about something more ADVANCED and more POWERFUL? Something that bypasses the logical mind and reaches the subconscious mind with EASE…
Something that logical mind cannot argue with and reject….
You know, sometimes, for some people the affirmation “I am wealthy” is unbelievable so, their logical mind rejects the idea and the affirmation doesn’t make it to the subconscious mind to manifest…
So what kind of affirmation, the logical mind cannot reject?
Here’s the answer…
An even more POWERFUL and more ADVANCED AFFIRMATION such as this:
“I Am Becoming Wealthier and Wealthier Everyday in Every Way”
The feeling that this affirmation creates is extremely powerful to the subconscious mind.
This affirmation creates a sustainable and ONGOING DRIVE for wealth in your subconscious mind.
This affirmation can create an AVALANCHE… a snowball effect…
You can apply this way of phrasing your affirmations to relationships, health, personal goals, or helping others…
Can we make that affirmation even more powerful?
You bet…
Stay tuned for more…
Your Friend,
Dr Eric