How To Live Longer
I hope you are enjoying every day, and every moment brings you a new and fresh perspective.
But why is it important to experience new things everyday?
A lot of people have asked a similar question. A question whose answer can change your life.
*** Question ***
Why is it that when we were kids, years seem to last longer but adult years go by so fast?
Is there a way to change the pace of time and make the experiences last longer?
>>> My Comments
Wouldn’t be wonderful to make years go slowly, so we can cherish every moment? is it possible to slow down the passing of time?
But, to answer that I am going to ask you a question whose answer you know…
How long do those nights that you sleep all night feel like? A long night?
You already know the answer. They feel like they took a second… you fall asleep and the next second you wake up… they pass by very fast.
Then wouldn’t it make sense to say, how we perceive time depends on how aware we are? As we become adults, we tend to live more like we are walking in sleep.
But, how can we become more awake and aware?
During childhood years we learned everything for the first time. Everything and every moment brought us new experiences. Everything was new and even magical.
But as we grew older we were taught to do everything more efficiently and everything started becoming repetitive. We started to know everything around us and how they work. After a while there was no magic, no new experiences…
But when we do everything in a more efficient way, our subconscious mind is in control, not our conscious mind… We are not aware of every moment… in a way, we are walking in sleep-like state, and so time passes by faster like it would at night when are asleep…
But there’s a GREAT NEWS…
The great news is that you can make time pass by slowly and make everything fascinating like when we were kids…
Try this for yourself and see how it feels… see how it feels to experience every moment and be more conscious of everything you do…
Learn something new everyday, and your days will be longer…
Be more inquisitive…
Learn something new about something that you don’t know anything about…
When we grow up we tend to identify ourselves with what we do, we say “I AM a doctor”, “I AM a mechanic”, etc… but in reality we can be anything we want to be and yet we are not any of those titles that we identify ourselves with…
So learn and try new thing and you’ll see it feels like when we were kids, years pass by slowly and life feels longer and more fulfilling…
Wish you a year full of great new experiences,
Dr Eric
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